DLD - Dynamic Load Management

Dynamic Load Management is a feature that showcases the interconnected, intelligent future of EV infrastructure. Here’s everything you need to know.

EV charging is getting smarter. Where once the relationship between charge points and the energy grid was one-sided and technologically ‘dumb’, new features like Dynamic Load Management are changing things – and making charging a more symbiotic part of the energy ecosystem.

Charge point operators (CPOs) are using these smart features to help ensure more reliable and robust charging, as well as to bring more energy efficiency to the entire eMobility value chain. 

But what exactly is Dynamic Load Management? Let’s take a look…

What is Dynamic Load Management (DLM)?

Dynamic Load Management (also known as Dynamic Load Balancing) is a real-time system for adapting and adjusting the amount of energy being supplied to each EV, via each individual charge point.

In simple terms, DLM means that instead of simply giving plugged-in vehicles the maximum amount of electricity in a first-come-first-served manner, an algorithm takes a look at the various kinds of vehicle connections being used and scales the available energy up and down so that every car can charge evenly.

But DLM doesn’t just help drivers. Because it stops chargers trying to output the maximum possible power to every vehicle, it also means that CPOs avoid overstraining the energy grid. That’s especially handy for large locations like multi-storey car parks.

How does Dynamic Load Management work?

Imagine a big residential or commercial parking lot with a bunch of charging stations. Without Dynamic Load Management in place, each connector on each station would try to pump out its top capacity to every vehicle that connects to it. 

That would have two possible consequences. If there’s no energy cap in place, that could mean huge costs to the charge point operator, alongside potential issues for the local energy grid. If a usage cap is there, meanwhile, then the first few vehicles to connect would monopolise the available power, and others wouldn’t be able to charge until those initial sessions were complete.

DLM, on the other hand, uses smart software to monitor usage across all charge points and ensure it’s evenly distributed – and that it doesn’t exceed a specific amount. If needed, that can also mean prioritising specific vehicles based on criteria like time-to-charge or connector type.

Benefits of Dynamic Load Management for EV charging

Dynamic load management offers charge point operators a host of benefits that come together to make for a much smarter, more connected charging business:

Prevents overloading

Load balancing the available EV chargers means your charging network won’t overload the energy grid. That’s good for the local electricity supply and for your bottom line – DLM lets charge point operators set a limit on the amount of power vehicles can collectively draw, which helps limits your energy bill.

Maximises power utilisation

DLM splits the available electricity among every connected vehicle. Each EV will get the most amount of power that can be distributed evenly, which means they’ll all be charging at once. The alternative is vehicles having to wait until others have finished in order to get sufficient charge.

Safe and reliable operations

Dynamic Load Management ensures your entire charging network is being automatically monitored and tuned to run within safe limits. Electricity supplies and charging demand are both in constant flux, but DLM works to keep everything ticking along without spikes, surges or outages – no matter how many vehicles need charging at once.

Scalability and future-proofing

DLM is a feature that comes as part of a wider mindset and technological shift in charging infrastructure – the move from featureless ‘dumb’ charging, to more intelligent systems that work in tandem with the energy grid and give CPOs much more control. 

Because of that, Dynamic Load Management represents a future-proof step forwards in terms of what it means to own and operate a charging network.

Spirii and Dynamic Load Management

Spirii offers CPOs a raft of next-generation features, with Dynamic Load Management being just one of a suite of powerful management tools

Dynamic Load Management is built into the Spirii Connect platform as standard, letting you choose and adjust settings remotely, 24/7. That’s alongside granular (but simple) controls for fixed or dynamic pricing, user groups, discounts, opening hours and public availability. 

At Spirii, we’re always looking to push the envelope when it comes to pioneering charging features. We know that the future of EV infrastructure is smart, connected, and platform-based – which is why we’re always rolling out new features that CPOs can benefit from as technology and driver demand evolve.

You can learn more about our platform-first approach to EV tech here