EV charging software: Everything you need to know

Did you know that smart, connected software is the cornerstone of the EV world?

While it’s true that physical charging stations are a pretty important part of the eMobility puzzle, without the right software, the whole system would crumble.

That’s because charging software benefits both sides of the EV charging market. Firstly, charging network software can help charge point operators ensure that their chargers stay up and running while also tracking their usage. And secondly, the right software can help EV drivers find chargers, power up, and pay.  

Here’s everything you need to know about the hugely important role charging software plays in the eMobility space…

What is EV charging software?

EV charging software is an umbrella term that refers to the digital programs running and communicating behind the scenes to enable electric vehicles to charge and operators to manage their charging networks.

But if we want to get super specific about what that means in practice, we need to delineate the term, and look at what the term ‘EV charging software’ means for two key groups:

EV charging software: For charge point operators

Charge point operators (CPOs) are the people behind the charging stations; they’re who drivers are ultimately paying whenever they charge up their cars. Different stations will be owned and operated by different CPOs, but they’ll all have one thing in common: they’ll be using cloud-based charging software to manage their network, set prices, determine who can access their chargers, and troubleshoot issues.  

These charging management systems, like the one we provide at Spirii, are connected solutions that perform all the necessary back-end handshakes between CPOs, their hardware, and the drivers looking to charge their cars. Learn more about the works behind EV charging businesses and networks right here.

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EV charging software: For EV drivers  

For drivers, the term ‘EV charging software’ usually means one or more smartphone apps that do all the digital legwork needed to make charging simple and convenient.  

These apps are user-friendly, consumer-level tools that enable drivers to find, use and pay for their charger use – with some also offering extra features like smart energy management for reducing both the cost and the carbon footprint.

What apps do I need to charge my EV?  

If you’re new to the world of EV driving – or are looking to purchase your first electric car – you’ll need to get up to speed with a few digital tools that you’ll need under your belt.  There are many different apps offered on the market - and with different purposes. Some cover several features, while others offer locating chargers only for example. What apps you need is entirely up to you, but you would need a means to find- and pay at public charge points. And many apps offer this service on different levels.

Here are the three main kinds of apps you’ll meet:

Car manufacturer app

A lot of modern electric cars now come with their own app. These car-specific apps offer a range of features unique to each make and model – like the ability to lock or unlock the car (and the charging port), start the engine, set and monitor security and alarm features, and modify the in-car entertainment settings.

Charging app

More importantly, when it comes time to charge, you’ll need an app that can communicate with the charging station you want to use. Charging stations are usually grouped into branded ‘networks’, so it’s best to find an app that’s network and hardware-agnostic so that you don’t have to jump around between a ton of different apps. These charging apps are what you’ll use to start and end a charging session, as well as how you’ll manage payment.  

Charger search app

Before you can charge, you’ll need to find a place to do it! There are dozens of apps out there designed to help EV drivers find their nearest compatible charging station, track charger availability in real-time, and navigate to it – the key is to find one that has information for your specific country or region, alongside the ability to help you find a charger when you roam further afield.

Is there one EV charging app for everything?

Yes! At Spirii, we know that having to manage and swap between a bunch of apps just to achieve one thing. That’s why we made Spirii Go – your one-stop shop for EV charging.

Spirii Go is a free, easy-to-use mobile app that brings together a bunch of useful features:

Charge station search

Spirii Go helps you find your nearest compatible charger with a raft of custom filters – and then helps you get there with integrated navigation using either Google or Apple Maps.

Access to thousands of chargers

Our app helps connect your car to a wide network of chargers across Europe. Spirii Go is platform and hardware-agnostic, which means you’ll be able to use the app to charge on a huge range of stations, and it also incorporates international roaming features, so you can charge wherever your drives take you.

Simple payments

Paying is the least fun part of the process, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be a pain. Spirii Go lets you charge, pay, and go, with easy payment options, instant receipts, and a range of possible currencies and methods – including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Smart energy management

It’s best for the planet if you charge when energy consumption is at its lowest, and best for your wallet to do the same. That’s why Spirii Go lets you pick and choose your charging hours so that you’re only sipping juice when it’s best for you and the environment alike. You can also keep tabs on your kWh consumption per day, week, or month.  

Find out more and download Spirii Go here.

What’s the best EV charging software?  

The best EV charging system is one that’s end-to-end – taking care of everything CPOs need and powering a charging network that drivers can rely on.

We’re obviously a little biased here, but have you looked into the Spirii platform?  

It’s a complete EV charging software solution and full-service platform that enables CPOs to plan, build, scale, and manage their charging business. It enables real-time monitoring of chargers with data and insight in a neat dashboard, alongside a suite of controls around users, pricing, opening hours, and more.  

The interconnected platform is what powers Spirii, your complete solution for operating a modern, robust charging solution and service – all built to work exactly to your spec. And this is all while enabling smart and easy access to charging and payment across Europe for your EV-driving costumers.

You can learn more about what makes Spirii’s award-winning EV charging software the most comprehensive solution around right here.

... Want to connect with one of our advisers to explore your options right away?

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